Section 4: Scoring & Awards

This section includes a detailed overview of the competition scoring.

Scores are calculated by the judges' evaluation and observation. All decisions of the judges are final.

4.1 Design Documentation Scoring

Design documentation must be submitted in accordance with the requirements outlined in Section 2: Design Documentation and the deadlines listed in Section 1.4: Competition Schedule and Timeline, to be eligible for full points. After the competition, the judges will issue overall standings in the design documentation portion of the competition.

The design documentation scoring breakdown is summarized in the table below.

Design Documentation

Potential Points

Technical Design Report




Team Introduction Video


Design Presentation


System Assessment


Total Potential Points


4.2 Autonomy Challenge Scoring

The Autonomy Challenge occurs in three rounds: Qualifying Round, Semi-Finals, and Finals. For the Qualifying Round minimum performance criteria is specified and no points are awarded. Qualifying Round and task completion criteria will be shared in the next version of the Team Handbook.

For the Semi-Final and Final Rounds points are awarded, as outlined in this section. Upon completion of the Semi-Finals Round, the judges will announce the top-scoring teams who will progress to the Finals Round. The judges have the discretion to select the number of teams advancing to the Finals Round.

After the competition, the judges will issue Autonomy Challenge overall standings. Any team accepted into the Finals Round will be ranked ahead of all teams that did not participate in the Finals Round.

Performance Measures
Point Calculation
Potential Points

Weight measurement

Weight (W)

Vehicle Dependent

Thrust measurement

Generate pounds of thrust (in lbs) (Th)

100*(Th / W)

Task 1 – Navigation Channel

ASV navigates through both gates


Run time remaining bonus

1200-0, 1.5x-1x

Task 2 – Follow the Path (Mapping Migration Patterns)

ASV maneuvers through gates (G),

without striking obstacles (S)

25*G – 25*S


ASV maneuvers through all gates, in one sequence


ASV reports correct number of obstacle buoys (yellow)


Run time remaining bonus

1200-0, 1.5x-1x

Task 3 – Docking (Treacherous Waters)

ASV enters any, unoccupied docking bay

(points awarded once)


ASV docks forward in correct, unoccupied docking bay - first attempt


ASV docks backward in correct, unoccupied docking bay - first attempt


Run time remaining bonus

1200-0, 1.5x-1x

Task 4 – Speed Challenge (Race Against Pollution)

ASV station-keeps in holding bay,

starts maneuver at green light


ASV navigates through gate


ASV circles blue buoy


ASV exits through gate


Avoid striking obstacles (S)


Task completion time (T)



Run time remaining bonus

1200-0, 1.5x-1x

Task 5 – Object & Water Delivery (Rescue Deliveries)

ASV delivers ball (B) to each black vessel (max: 3)

1st vessel: 75 2nd vessel: 125

3rd vessel: 200

ASV delivers ball (B) to the target or inside hull on each black vessel



ASV delivers water (W) to each orange vessel (max: 3)

1st vessel: 75 2nd vessel: 125

3rd vessel: 200

ASV delivers water (W) to the target on each orange vessel precisely



Run time remaining bonus

1200-0, 1.5x-1x

Task 6 – Return to Home

Return to home


Bonus for attempting all tasks and returning to home

2*Total Score earned for Tasks 1-5

4.3 Awards

Awards are provided in three categories: Autonomy Challenge standings, Design Documentation standings, and Special Awards. Teams must be present to collect their awards, and award money will be issued within 4-6 weeks after the competition.

4.3.1 Autonomy Challenge Ranking

Teams are awarded prize money reflective of their autonomy challenge ranking after scores are calculated. The first-place teams receive a RoboNation champion banner.

4.3.2 Design Documentation Ranking

Teams are awarded prize money reflective of their design documentation ranking after scores are calculated.

4.3.3 Special Awards

Throughout the competition, teams, judges, and staff are asked to be on the lookout for exemplary behavior from teams to acknowledge with special awards. A digital nomination form will be shared on-site to nominate teams for special awards.

Last updated