3.4 Semi-Finals/Finals Round

Teams that qualify will have access to the Semi-Finals Course once one becomes available. These courses consist of six (6) tasks: the mandatory navigation channel and tasks 2-6. Only one team may be on a Semi-Finals/Finals Course at a time. Note that teams may not know what course they are assigned until right before the start of their time slot.

During a Semi-Finals/Finals run the ASV must:

  • operate autonomously throughout the entire run; no remote-controlled survey runs allowed and teams must navigate directly back to the starting position with no deviations when resetting for another run.

  • enter the course through the gates in the Navigation Channel task.

  • attempt the remaining Tasks 2-5 of their choice, in any order.

  • return to home (Task 6) at the end of the run.

The scoring criteria for Semi-Finals and Finals are detailed in Section 4: Scoring.

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