Section 1: Competition Overview

1.1 Dates & Venue

The 2025 SUAS Competition (SUAS 2025) will be conducted June 24-26, 2025, at St. Mary’s County Regional Airport in California, MD.

1.2 Competition Structure

SUAS 2025 includes the Mission Demonstration that exhibits flight performance and safety and Design Documentation that presents each team’s work and UAS design.

1.3 Eligibility

Student teams from anywhere in the world are eligible to participate. Teams may enter one aircraft in the competition.

1.3.1 Eligibility Details & Team Composition

  • Teams must be comprised of 75% or more full-time students. Student members are expected to make significant contributions to the engineering development cycle of their UAS.

  • The majority of team members must be college or high school students. Teams may also include middle school students. Interdisciplinary teams are encouraged.

  • Teams may be comprised of 25% or less alumni, industry, academic or government partners.

  • A minimum of two (2) team members are required for safe operations on-site at SUAS: Safety Pilot and GCS Operator.

  • A maximum of six (6) operators are allowed on the flight line during the team's mission.

1.4 Competition Schedule

An event schedule is available on the SUAS website.



08 October - 28 February


01 March -

Proof of Flight Submission Window

05 May

Event Submission Deadline:

  • Team Member Registration

  • Team Demographics

  • Vehicle Information

  • On-Site Requirements

  • Add-Ons: Guest Tickets

12 May

Design Documentation Deadline:

  • Technical Design Report

  • Team Website

In-Person Event

24 June (afternoon)

Team Check-in / Orientation


25 June

Mission Demonstrations

Safety Inspections

St. Mary's Regional Airport

26 June

Mission Demonstrations

Safety Inspections

St. Mary's Regional Airport

26 June (early evening)



1.5 Points of Contact

SUAS Questions:

Registration Questions:

On-Site Logistics/Safety:

1.6 RoboNation Code of Conduct

All team members must abide by the RoboNation Code of Conduct while participating in the Competition. Failure to abide by this Code of Conduct at any point during the competition season may result in the disqualification of the team and/or participants from the Competition, components of the competition, the full competition, and/or future competitions.

  1. Give your best effort. Display honesty, integrity, and sportsmanship while engaging in friendly competition. Compete fairly. Team products are solely the creation of student participants’ own efforts, ideas, and designs with supporting mentors providing only verbal advice.

  2. Respect others. All participants and guests will display courtesy and respect toward officials, volunteers, other teams, and guests of the Competition.

  3. Act with integrity. All participants and guests will behave in a responsible manner and follow the rules of the competition and host organization.

  4. Support each other. All participants will embody the spirit of RoboNation and endeavor to engage with, learn from, and support one another.

Last updated