Scoring Team Websites
Last updated
Last updated
Objective: Clearly present the team, vehicle design, and competition approach.
Submission Format: Website
Overview: Delivering ideas in a clear and convincing manner is critical to bringing the project to life and helping project supporters understand ideas and be convinced of potential.
Follow the guidelines provided in the Team Handbook (excerpt below)
Treat as an opportunity to advertise who they are and what their team can do
Use as venue to promote their team, including papers their team members have published, include visuals and video products, include any engineering products they've created during their design process
Acknowledge and thank their sponsors and supporters: funding, contributions, mentorship
Consider the user: Keep menu navigation clear and understandable. Avoid flash and clutter.
1) Website Content: Layout and detailed contents of the website are left for the teams to develop; however, the team website should include:
Team name and contact information
Vehicle photos and/or videos
Supporting media, which may include:
Instructional/Informative videos
Procedures (text, images)
Design decision documentation (text, images, videos)
Blogs for historical records of build progress
List of sponsors with logos
2) Website Quality: Websites are often the first impression of a project. Potential supporters such as supervisors, sponsors, or advisors must find the website visually appealing and easy to navigate. Development of the website should include careful consideration of user experience, including:
Written in English, or English translation provided
Clear prioritization of key content
Site search functionality
Basic design elements: contrast, repetition, alignment and grouping to organize/highlight content
User accessibility, as defined by the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative:
Cross browser compatibility for modern web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, MS Edge)
A mobile friendly display
To complete the Website evaluation, judges use a detailed scoring rubric. The maximum score for the Website submission is 180 points. Reviews can be done anytime convenient for you, as long as your scores are submitted by February 24th at 11:59 PM ET.
Team website includes all required team information, including the team’s name and contact information, and a list of team members and sponsors. All mentions of the vehicle are relevant to the current competition year.
Team website provides a brief introduction to the team, team members and sponsors. There is supporting media on the vehicle.
Team website introduces the team and/or team members.
Below Average
Team website provides little to no information on the team. There is no mention of the vehicle.
Requirements Not Met
The required team information is not included on the website.
Vehicle development and testing process is thoroughly documented with instructional and informative supporting media and historical recording. This could include photographs, diagrams, videos, procedures (text + images), design documentation (text + images + video), or blogs for historical records.
Good documentation on vehicle development and testing process is provided. Supporting media is accessible.
Vehicle development and testing process is adequately presented with some evidence of supporting media.
Below Average
Few pictures or videos of the vehicle, but no instructional or informative documentation included.
Requirements Not Met
No visuals or documentation of the vehicle is available on the website.
Website places a heavy emphasis on human factors. Layout is visually appealing, easily maneuverable, and does an excellent job of drawing user’s attention to relevant content.
Website considers user experience. Layout does a good job of drawing user’s attention. Users can navigate the site easily and quickly.
Website quality was adequate. Users can navigate the site to find most information.
Below Average
Layout and/or design makes it difficult to find information. Website does not have a user-friendly display.
Requirements Not Met
Website is busy and difficult to read; no guidance on maneuvering site.
One of the main requests we receive from our teams every year is to receive comments and feedback from you, our judges.
You will see this section at the bottom of each scoresheet where you can leave your feedback and comments. These comments will be shared with teams following the competition.
Please see the Judge Comment Guidelines lesson below for tips on writing effective comments for the teams.
The comments you leave here are only visible to the RoboNation team and will not be shared with the teams.
Use this comment section to recommend the team for a special award, emphasize something that really stood out to you, or share any concerns you have.